ยท Slash Report - 220 One Direction with Merelyn and Cherrybina
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- Spermlinson (Tumblr)
- Take the Edge Off by Cyclogenesis [1D, OT5]
- To Be the Friction in Your Jeans by Heartroots [1D, Harry/Louis, OT5]
- Heart Skips a Beat by harriet_vane [1D]
- Fuckyeah1D (Tumblr)
- The definitive 1D post (Tumblr)
This week the /report team scam Merelyn and Cherrybina on to talk about the Return of Popslash in the form of One Direction fandom. Who are these twinkly singers and why are they all over your tumblr dashboard despite your best efforts to avoid them? Pru and MK have no fucking clue. That's why we got guest hosts.
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.