· Slash Report - 304 Person of Interest with Leupagus
Click to stream or right-click, "save as" to download.
Fic Recs for this week:
- Fealty by astolat [Person of Interest, Finch/Reese]
- Point of a Pistol by giddygeek [Person of Interest, Finch/Reese]
- Losing Control by neery [Person of Interest, Finch/Reese]
You are being watched, /reporters. We have a secret system, a machine that spies on you every hour of every day. We know because we feed our data into it constantly because it is called Twitter and Tumblr. It was designed to detect acts of hipsterism and asinine updating, and it sees everything, even people with FEELS like you. FEELS that other podcasts may consider "irrelevant." We don't. Hunted by our better judgment, we work not really in as much secrecy as we should considering; and if your topic is up...we'll see you at the podcast.
TL;DR: This week's episode is about Person of Interest. We made Leupagus come on and talk about it like she was lancing a boil made of AGONIZING FANNISH SUFFERING. Check it out.
Our RSS feed can be found over here or you can follow us on twitter for even more inanity during the week.